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Why Should Test Automation – be an afterthought?

In every project, that I have witnessed, and every test manager gnashes their teeth about, is Testing – has little to no time to have test automation in sync with each sprint in our agile way of working.

Test automation usually lags by a sprint and why should that be? As the developers code and unit test their code, shouldn’t those tests carry forward as each sprint gets integrated into the main project? More importantly, why can’t these tests be automatically generated as the developers test their code?

Given that the development world has taken a step away from installed apps – and has adopted the browser as its execution canvas, it is feasible to create test automation artifacts as the developers are executing their unit tests.

Start with testing of the API’s – the heart and soul of the Client-Server architecture executing on a web browser. Test it once – and the test is forever automated. Change it, test it again, and a new test case is created, and merge into the main project just like we do with GIT.

Once test automation artifacts are built, the debate is about which is the ideal framework to execute on. In the same organization, in the same team, the views may vary – some preferring Selenium, others Ruby, Protractor or the flavour of the day.

Let’s face it, there is no pleasing all. That brings us to the test artifacts – Why should they be framework dependent? Can’t we abstract it so they can execute on any framework – with an interpreter in the background? In my opinion, this is the ideal solution. It also takes away the need for testers to be programmers. If they wanted to be programmers, they would just be programmers.

Does such a solution exist? Fortunately, the question is not rhetorical – the answer is a resounding YES!

Welcome to the world of AiTestpro™, a project that I have been working on after seeing the many challenges that a testing organization faces. Test automation starts at unit testing – and merges forward just as we merge code in GIT.

The tester has a test artifact in plain Excel format. It is the score sheet that an interpreter can execute on any platform.

The power of AiTestpro™ – goes even further. Validate all data input and responses, cross-verify them against a database or another interface – especially for dynamic sites where data is constantly changing.

At test execution, monitoring performance, AiTestpro™ captures performance data - developers get a sense of how efficiently their code execute.

Segmentation of data sets, gets the highest level of confidence. One can run all combination of data – and it will take longer to execute than developing the next release. AiTestpro™ figures out the best combination to test, giving one the best return on effort.

The Cherry on the cake – Graphical documentation of the entire system, immediately spot which areas have been tested and which have not.

The wheels of test evolution are turning and AiTestpro™ has just given Test automation a big boost.
I suggest spending half an hour and be amazed as to how quickly test automation can be achieved.

Ask for a consultation.

George Kongalath
4 January, 2022